I wanted to make our guests something special for their trouble and provide a drink that would be warming. So, when I found a recipe for Winter Solstice Punch, I knew I had a winner. This does not have a small amount of alcohol in it. Because of that, I definitely recommend serving it in small portions. It tastes really good, and your guests can start to feel it before you (or they) know it.
Winter Solstice Punch
40 oz. Tuaca liqueur
16 oz. Aperol
16 oz. Campari
24 oz. Cointreau
3 cups lemon juice
2 cups tangerine juice
1 cup Ginger Syrup
First thing you need to do is create an ice block. I used a Bundt pan filled halfway with water and sliced lemons and oranges. You should plan at least 12 hours, longer is better. It made a lovely shape once frozen.
Next make the ginger syrup. Take about a 3-inch piece of fresh ginger. Peel and cut into big chunks. Put it in a saucepan with 2 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water, stirring to combine. Bring to a gentle boil over medium-high heat. When mixture boils, reduce heat and simmer until sugar is completely dissolved and syrup is slightly thickened. This took about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, discard ginger and let cool. Refrigerate until ready to use.
Combine all ingredients in a very large pitcher and stir until well blended. I made this ahead of time and put it in the refrigerator so the flavors would meld and be thoroughly chilled.
Serve over ice in a punch bowl. Enjoy! (But not too much...)